Brand Identity

Collaborate with us to craft a standout brand identity—memorable logo, harmonious colors, and compelling imagery. Our dedication ensures your brand exudes elegance and purpose, leaving a lasting impression. Whether starting fresh or revitalizing, we authentically elevate your identity

Our Brand Identity Package


What's Included:

Primary Logo: The cornerstone of your brand’s visual identity, a bespoke primary logo designed to make a powerful first impression.

Secondary Logo: A versatile alternative to your primary logo, ensuring flexibility across various mediums.

Submark Logo: A simplified emblem of your brand for use in smaller spaces, maintaining brand recognition.

Color Palette: A carefully curated selection of colors that reflects your brand’s personality and enhances visual appeal.

Typography: A set of typefaces chosen for their ability to communicate your brand’s message with clarity and style.

Brand Pattern: Unique, custom patterns that add depth and texture to your brand’s visual language.

Brand Guidelines: A comprehensive manual detailing the application of your brand elements for consistency and integrity.

Investment: Starts from $300


What's Included:

Mini Brand Strategy: We distill the essence of your brand into a concise strategy, laying a solid foundation for growth and positioning that aligns with your business objectives.

Brand Identity Design: We begin by sculpting your visual narrative with a primary logo, secondary logo, submark logo, color palette, typography, and brand guidelines that echo your brand’s core values and resonate with your audience.

Marketing Collateral: Choose 4 marketing collateral designs. From print to digital (e.g. product label, business card, menu design, etc), we provide a spectrum of marketing materials that speak your brand’s language, ensuring consistency and impact across all platforms.

Visual Storytelling: Showcase your products or services with professional photography and videography that capture the quality and essence of your offerings, creating compelling visual stories that entice and convert.

Social Media Design: Stay fresh and relevant on social media with a suite of 6 customizable design templates that keep your content consistent and engaging.

Website Design: Your online presence will be transformed with a 5+ page bespoke website that combines aesthetics with functionality, ensuring a seamless user experience that converts visitors into loyal customers/clients.

Investment: Starts from $800

Our Brand Identity Design Creative Process

To ensure a smooth and efficient process for booking a website design service with us, please follow these steps and have the following items prepared:

Discovery & Strategy

We kick off with a deep-dive discovery session to uncover the core of your brand – its mission, vision, values, and personality. This strategic phase lays the groundwork for a brand identity that is not just visually appealing but also strategically aligned with your business goals.

Concept Development

Armed with insights, we move to the drawing board, where creativity flows and ideas take flight. We explore various design directions, brand color palettes, and create a mood board that will form the cornerstone of your brand’s visual identity

Design Execution

This is where concepts come to life. We meticulously craft the logo, select the typography, and develop the supporting graphics that will collectively tell your brand’s story. 

Revision & Refinement

Your feedback is vital. We present our designs and iterate based on your thoughts and responses. This collaborative phase ensures that the brand identity evolves in a direction that feels right for you.

Brand Identity Guidelines

With the design finalized, we compile comprehensive brand guidelines. This manual becomes your roadmap for consistent application of your brand identity across all touchpoints, ensuring brand consistency wherever your business makes an impression.